With Halloween just around the corner it is time for us to create some cool jack-o-lanterns. Hannah and I got to work and had a good time carving our masterpieces. The pumpkin I carved came right out of our backyard. We must have planted the seed two years ago because we were a little surprised to see a giant vine growing up out of the ground back in May. I had no idea what was growing, but I did know that it was in the vegetable family. Or wait, is it a fruit cuz there are seeds? I don't know but couldn't wait to see whatever it was spring forth from the vine. We were delighted to discover it was a pumpkin. Hannah was curious as to whether or not there would be a noticeable difference between our homegrown pumpkin and the store bou

I decided to go with the old tape-the-pattern-to-the-pumpkin method for carving while Hannah was daring and just let the jack-o-lantern emerge from th pumpkin without a pattern. Her's turned out way cooler. Mine is the spider.

I also made two receiving blankets for the twins that are due in a couple of months. The blankets are made from a super soft plush fabric on one side and the other is just a cotton print. The binding is bias tape. I learned how to miter corners too. Thought only dudes mitered? Think again!!

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